We at the Clerical Guild are seeking to support good relations between bell ringers and the church, as our membership is drawn from those who have experience of both sides of that partnership. Here are details of some of the initiatives we are involved in:
Bell Sunday
This annual day to celebrate ringing in a local context is promoted on a Sunday near to the feast of St Dunstan, patron saint of bell ringers. It is an opportunity to acknowledge the contribution ringers make to the life of the local church and perhaps to include ringing in that Sunday’s prayers and worship. Full details and resources are available from the Central Council [http://cccbr.org.uk/bell-sunday/].
The Voice of the Church
This booklet offers an exploration of the place of bell ringing in the life of the Church of England, historically, theologically and sociologically. It is ideal for church leaders who are looking to understand more about change ringing and the people who practise it, and who want to foster good relations with their local ringers. It is available in print from the Ringing World.