31st January 2025 – George Cringles

Changing scenes of life 

In the Ringing World of 15th November last year (RW5925 p.1065) there was an article by William Finlator that originally appeared in The Spectator about the sale of churches in Scotland. As a retired minister of the Church of Scotland I found it particularly disturbing in that around 400 churches throughout the country are to be closed and sold, including many large historic buildings. It was all the more distressing for me personally as my first charge, Alness Parish Church in Ross-shire, was included in the list for closure. 

While I was minister at Alness in the 1980s I was taught how to handle a bell and introduced to the art of change ringing at St Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral in Inverness. I obtained a second hand bell rope which I duly fitted to the single bell in the tower at Alness, which was regularly rung for services every Sunday. That rope was still in place and in use when I visited the church last year in June for the final time before its doors were closed for regular worship at the end of the month. It is sad to think that the sound of the bell will no longer be heard ringing out over the surrounding houses. 

Church closures are not unique to Scotland. It is an issue we face throughout the British Isles.

We have all been surprised at the rapid rate of decline in church attendance due to changes in the religious culture of our land and the ageing profile of congregations. Lockdown seemed to exacerbate the situation as fewer people have returned to the habit of regular Sunday worship. We know that change is inevitable. The world is constantly changing and we ourselves are subject to change. So perhaps we should not be surprised at the challenge such changes bring to the life of the Church.

In the midst of all the ‘changing scenes of life’, including those changes in our church life, it is good to know that the God whom we worship does not change. “I the Lord do not change.” (Malachi 3:6) “The Father … does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17) “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8) God’s love is eternal and unchanging. He remains ever faithful and we can rely on the promise of his word. Changes in the world and in the Church cannot stop the advancement of his kingdom on the earth. 

George G Cringles