3rd November 2023 – Jonathan Rose
STAND! It is a story, I confess, I have mentioned to ringing colleagues on at least one occasion previously –Read More →
STAND! It is a story, I confess, I have mentioned to ringing colleagues on at least one occasion previously –Read More →
STRETCHING EXERCISE Week-by-week this magazine gives us an enormous amount of information of who has achieved what, and where. ThereRead More →
SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE A few weeks ago, just short of my 91st birthday, I stood on the summit of Snowdon.Read More →
CALLED TO SERVE I am not at all sure whether many people like big institutions and organisations. The BBC, theRead More →
HERE’S TO HELPFUL LABELLING I lost another peal of Suffolk Surprise Major last weekend. It’s not a particularly pretty method,Read More →
GLOBAL WITNESS The universal message of church bells is understood by every bellringer and accepted by most people even ifRead More →
THE BELLS OF HEAVEN I am now the oldest member of my family and am certainly at a stage whenRead More →
ST PETER AND ST PAUL A survey taken some years back informed me that there are around 299 churches withRead More →
‘RING’ AND ‘SING’ What an extraordinary and wonderful year this has been! With the slogans ‘Ring for the King’ andRead More →
AT THE TAIL END I sometimes find that reading an article in the Ringing World will spark in my mindRead More →
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