Thought for the Week – 11th June 2021
As bell-ringers, most of us are quickly introduced to changes, initially into call-changes, followed by the intricacies of change-ringing, withRead More →
As bell-ringers, most of us are quickly introduced to changes, initially into call-changes, followed by the intricacies of change-ringing, withRead More →
As pandemic restrictions are cautiously lifted it has been good that for a few weeks now we can again hugRead More →
I’ve heard it said that if you copy material from just one source it is plagiarism, whereas copying from manyRead More →
Opportunities are to be grasped when they come, although sometimes they are missed and regretted. However strange though it mayRead More →
“Unchanging God, who livest, Enthroned in realms on high”. Last Sunday I found myself quoting these words from the bellringers’Read More →
One of the things that we have had to contend with as ringers during the pandemic has been the factRead More →
Hey, guess what! We rang the bells on Easter Sunday at St Martin of Tours, Fiddington. My wife and IRead More →
“By their cars you shall know them” said a colleague of the cars parked in the conference car park. ThereRead More →
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